Ben Bevan is the founder and owner of Aesthetic Coaching. He is a personal and online coach and specialises in weight loss and building muscle. Below are a few words from him about Aesthetic and why the business was created.

Aesthetic Coaching, a fitness coaching business initially established in Swindon, Wiltshire, UK, was created to empower the 'everyday' person. The core concept of Aesthetic Coaching is to offer a framework, guidance and support to individuals, inspiring confidence in themselves. We will show you that the seemingly 'unattainable' physique they aspire to, is within reach through dedicated effort and consistency.
Our expertise encompasses all aspects of enhancing your physique, spanning from weight loss to muscle gain, and crucially, maintaining the results of your hard work. As our coaching business has evolved, so too has our commitment to refining and enhancing our services. One of the core values Aesthetic Coaching was crafted on, was the ambition to never stop learning. We believe that by constantly improving our coaching, we can consistently help our clients to improve themselves.
A second important pillar of Aesthetic Coaching is support. From 1-1 work to seamless 'better lifestyle' integrations, we aim to do everything we can to support our clients from the first step of their journey. Embracing this idea, we have transitioned our coaching to a dedicated fitness app. We want to take the guessing out of fitness, and our app does all but the exercise for you. Nutrition, exercise and lifestyle habit coaching, plus the convenience of on-demand support videos and 24/7 support from your personal coach.